A Bit About Me
God called me to preach his word at a young age, but I didn't feel worthy, equipped, or ready, so I tried to convince myself that it was all in my head. I didn't want that type of responsibility, I Loved the Lord, I Loved to serve, and I thought that should be enough. So, I made myself busy with WORKS... Well, I soon found out that was not enough for God. He wanted my obedience and in 2019, I surrendered to his call.
In that same year the world was turned upside down with a healthcare epidemic (COVID-19), which took so many lives; and my mother was diagnosed with an aggressive stage of colon cancer. While caring for my mother and juggling the many changes that were taking place in the world my father had a heart attack that left me wandering what was next. All of this in one year..... yeah, my faith was being tested, and I was learning what it truly meant to lean and depend on Jesus.
My mother died at home on March 15, 2020; right when the Government was shutting everything down. This was hard for me, because she was my best friend, we did everything together. I never went more than two or three days without seeing her and when I traveled, she was right alongside of me. She was my mentor, my teacher, my number one fan, the cheerleader in my corner and the person who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself.
Well, 2020 was my year to really step out on faith like never before. That year in June I asked God to fix my heart, so I could do what he asked me to do and that was preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And Praise God he did just what I asked. Yes, I miss my mother, but God strengthened me to live and rest and lean on him for the strength that I needed.
I was ordained as a Minister in October 2021 and although my mother was not there, I know she would have been proud of me. And I carry her teaching and love in my heart, she is a big part of who I am, and I thank God for a mother that taught me right from wrong and the importance of serving God.
In 2018 God gave me this monthly themed bible study newsletter, but I never followed through with it, so this year I was determined to do all that God has asked me to do. It is my hope that for those that God directs to this page, you find hope and encouragement through each newsletter. I pray it will draw you closer to God and a deeper love and hunger for Gods Word.